New Year New You

How would you like to start the New Year with a clear, personalized, holistic health strategy designed just for you?


A green button with black background


How would you like to have optimum vitality and energy to accomplish your 2016 goals ? Or how about just feeling and looking amazing so that you ...

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Postpartum Depression

Did you know that many of the common health symptoms listed below, as well as full blown Postpartum issues may be helped with a Holistic approach and Craniosacral Therapy (CST)?

Postpartum Depression
• Loss of appetite
• Insomnia
• Intense irritability and anger
• Overwhelming fatigue
• Loss of interest in sex
• Lack of joy in life
• Feelings of shame, guilt or inadequacy
• Severe mood swings

Holistic solutions may include:
• ...

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Prescription Drug Use and Addiction

I just reviewed a very disturbing study about prescription drug use and addiction*.

5 Important Facts:

  • Every day 2500 children between ages 12-17 abuse prescription drugs for the first time.
  • Prescription drug abuse is more common than most other drugs COMBINED.
  • The U.S. has over 22,000 deaths from prescription overdose each year.
  • Prescription abuse is increasing in upper income households.
  • Over 60% of the underage abusers got drugs from their parents medicine chest!

The majority of the drugs abused ...

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Did you know that parasites are frequently found in the digestive tract? These little buggers can be responsible for mysterious health problems! Parasites enter the body in in microscopic form and then multiply causing a wide range of confusing health issues.

Can you answer “yes” to any of these? If so, you may be bothered by parasites!

  • You experience constipation, diarrhea, gas, or other symptoms of IBS
  • You traveled internationally and remember getting traveler’s diarrhea ...
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Ever open an e-mail and suddenly your heart starts beating faster?

Up to a point stress serves an important purpose. One reason we need a stress response is to help us identify threats to our survival. The nervous system is designed to analyze all of the events from the past and compare them to our current situation. It then uses that information to keep us safe. If some incidents were too disturbing or ...

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Food Affects our Mood

Therelationship between the food we eat, how it is digested, and how we feel is rarely considered but extremely important. I keep repeating the fact that at least 80% of the neuro-transmitters working in the brain are created in the digestive track! The implications of this fact are crucial for anyone suffering with mood disorders. A holistic solution is available.

Problems Caused by Improper Digestion
• Anxiety
• Insomnia
• Intense irritability and ...

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Holistic Help for Herpes

Herpes is adelicate topic and one that causes a lot of stress and suffering. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) says 1 out of 6 people have the herpes virus, many don’t even know they have it (not all exhibit symptoms). About 15 years ago I had aclientaskme if I had solution for herpes. I did not. I started to research various products and learned of ahomeopathic product that worked ...

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Craniosacral Therapy

Did you know that many of the common health symptoms listed below, as well as full blown Post Consussive (Concussion) Syndrome may be helped with a Holistic approach and Craniosacral Therapy (CST).

Post Concussive Syndrome
People may want to seek holistic help when symptoms from a head injury continue for days or weeks after an accident. Craniosacral Therapy(CST)can be very helpful with the resolution of these problems. This therapy is a gentle and ...

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Post Concussive Syndrome

Did you know that many of the common health symptoms listed below, as well as full blown Post Concussive (Concussion) Syndrome may be helped with a Holistic approach and Craniosacral Therapy (CST)?

Post Concussive Syndrome
People may want to seek holistic help when symptoms from a head injury continue for days or weeks after an accident. Craniosacral Therapy (CST) can be very helpful with the resolution of these problems. This therapy is a ...

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