Do the following apply to you?
- Working too many hours and not accomplishing what you need to?
- Does your mood go up and down?
- Feeling resentment or anger towards family or friends when you don’t want to?
- Sostressed you are not making the time to exercise or eat right?
- Realize you are stressed but don’t know what to do to change it?
It is estimated that stress costs american companies more than $300 billion a year in health costs, absenteeism and poor performance. If yousuffer from stress, consider what that costs you, not just in terms of pay or economy, but in terms of how it affects your relationships with your significant other, your kids and … yourself. Stress will also dramatically affect your energy, your feelings of self worth, your happiness and your peace.
Join Anthony in thisfun and important workshop to help you learn what stress is, how it hijacks your body, and most importantly what you can do to eliminate it.It isa great opportunity to connectwith Anthony in an intimate and confidential small group setting and learn techniques for combatting stress in your day to day life so that you can be the best you.
Known for his sense of humor and ability to intuitively guide people to towards evolving on all levels, Anthonyhas the ability to help people look inside themselves in a nonthreatening way and present them with insights they can put to work to create a more joyous, healthy and balanced life.
Take time out of your busy schedule and give yourself the giftof attending this workshop.
Details about the Workshop:
Date: Saturday 23rd May 2015 from 9am to 2pm.
Bring some healthy food to eat during theworking lunch break.
Venue: San Elijo Lagoon Ecological Reserve, 2710 Manchester Avenue, Cardiff, CA 92007
Price: $147 per person.
Fill out the Form below to Register!
After you have submitted your details, you will be redirected to PayPal so that you can pay online. Once you have registered further details about the location, parking and what to bring will be sent via email. If you are unable to pay by Paypal please contact the Chadwell Method office on 858-792-0754. Thank you.