Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Regina Huelsenbeck specializes in life transformation utilizing mindfulness based psychotherapy and contemplative practice. She is qualified to help people integrate and overcome some of life’s most challenging circumstances and traumas. She has a wide range of clinical experience with health crisis integration (e.g. cancer, HIV/AIDS, migraines, chronic pain, TMJ), depression, anxiety and loss. She penned a chapter on her own health crisis for the book “Hope Begins in the Dark”, by NEWSWEEK journalist Jamie Reno. Her experience with cancer was also recently covered in Dr. Patricia Ariadne’s book “Drinking the Dragon”. Dr. Regina was also the co-founder of the San Diego Psychological Association’s Mindfulness task force group with UCSD Center for Mindfulness Director Dr. Steven Hickman. She has spoken on the healing power of mindfulness meditation at MOORES Cancer Center, The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and SHARP Grossmont hospital. Dr. Regina Huelsenbeck, PSY25050 is in private practice in Solana Beach, California. www.ritualsofhealing.com. 858.353.8530 www.Facebook.com/RitualsofHealing